Capes, Sam & Myra
We joined D.V.H.C.C. in 1991 after we purchased a 1940
Chevrolet Pullman from a deceased estate. The seats and
paintwork were done but we had to have the engine reconditioned.
After about 3 years, a club member was selling a 1939 Standard
Chevrolet, and as we were both born in 1939 we felt a car the
same age would be appropriate. We sold our 1940 Chevrolet to
another club member and bought the ’39. All we have done to it
is to have the upholstery renewed and with the occasional
polish she still looks great.
We attend most club outings and rallies and go to 3 or 4
inter-club rallies each year. Many great and lasting friendships
have been made during our time with our ‘old cars’.
Although not D.V.H..C.C. club cars we also have a 1947
DeSoto Coupe and have recently restored a 1956 DeSoto 2 ton
truck which are of historic interest.